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Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock 21 July 2024

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Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock 21 July 2024

The Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 21 July 2024.

Mass at 3pm will be followed by Eucharistic Blessing and Procession to the Shrine.

Pioneers along with friends and relations of people who are living “one day at a time” with addiction are welcome

Day for Life: a dedicated day celebrating the beauty and dignity of all human life

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Day for Life Sunday is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church across Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.

It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in every condition.

On Sunday 16 June, the Church will mark Day for Life

Parish Picnic – June 2nd

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Our annual parish picnic takes place on Sunday June 2nd after 11.30am Mass in the grounds of the parochial house.

All are welcome and a special invitation is extended to all our children from our three parish schools who celebrated their Holy Communion & Confirmation this year.