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Mosstown Graveyard

From Mosstown Graveyard Committee


Mosstown Graveyard committee, both past and present, are extremely proud of their church and cemetery on the hilltop at Mosstown. Since 1988 the committee has made a constant commitment to look after its needs and ensure it looks its very best all year round for those who find it as their resting place.

We would like to express our gratitude to all volunteers both past and present for all their hard work and commitment. Words cannot express how grateful as a committee we are for your time, which will never be forgotten. Thank you.

And now we are actively calling out for and seeking new volunteers / members to help out at Mosstown graveyard. As a community we made a promise in 1988 that our families and friends’ resting place will always be given the respect and maintenance that’s due.

So can you help on Saturday mornings at 10:30am for just one hour?

If you can help, you will find other volunteers just like you cutting grass, clipping hedges, spraying weeds, and touching up paint work. Whatever time you can give will be well spent.

 We would be delighted to see you. We need you. Our loved ones need you.

Thank you.

Mosstown Graveyard Committee